Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snowed in...

And loving it (okay maybe it's driving Matt a little stir-crazy!) No joke...the German government has nearly run out of salt for the roads, so they have drastically reduced the number of roads they will service. Apparently, Orenhofen is not at the top of their priority list! So...we're stuck at home...but loving it none-the-less!

Here are some pics of the snow here this weekend in Orenhofen. We are relishing in it...knowing that our "Snow Days" in California will be few and far between!!! Chance and Lucie LOVE running in the snow, JP and Matt love building snowmen (even if they are a little PG-13 rated) and going sledding -- we have one happy crew here today!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

JP with Jana and Lena...

Jana and Lena are like cousins to JP. They are so sweet with him and JP LOVES the attention! (Can you tell "updating blog" was on my to-do list today???)

From Jana, Lena and JP

JP and the A-10

Here are two pics of JP sitting on Dave's A-10 at his fini flight. Dave and Megan are leaving here next week (so sad!), and so the boys and I went out to the flight line to watch Dave finish his last flight at Spang. JP was so amazed being out there -- thought Dave getting sprayed with water was very funny -- and LOVED sitting on the gun at the front of the A-10.

From Dave's Fini Flight

From Dave's Fini Flight

Murphy's giggle...

Full belly and all!!! Nothing compares to the belly laugh of a baby... Don't worry -- we intervened to make sure that JP didn't chuck Murphy across the room...but obviously Murphy wasn't too phased by it! (Sorry about the was taken with our camera which is way too old!)

Brotherly love???

Here are some pics of JP and Murphy having some "bonding" time. (Video to follow) Murphy LOVES all interaction with JP, even if it does get a little rough at times!

Matt's trip to Greece....

This is definitely one of the perks that Matt will miss once we get out this summer... Boss says, "We need someone to fly a jet back from Greece...and oh, by the way, you get to hang out there for a couple of days just to take in Athens." Needless to say, he had a great time taking in the sights and resisted his temptation to jump the waist-high fence preventing him from taking a lap around the true Olympic stadium.

Christmas 2009 -- one month later!

Here are some pics of the boys on Christmas morning... Better late than never, right??? Murphy is sitting on a special blanket the Nana made for his first Christmas -- a gift she has made for each of us, and now all the grandkids too!

Where in the World???