Monday, February 4, 2008

Fasching Parade in Orenhofen...

Fasching is the German Mardi Gras -- it is an indescribable event! As a spectator (standing amongst tons of clowns and angels/devils...that seems to be the only costumes Germans like to wear!), you are given every type of alcohol in every form (cans of beer, shots of schnaps, glasses of wine, sprays of some awful substance, etc.) Meanwhile, they are also throwing out candy, toys, books, CDs, etc. to all the kids -- too much fun! You have to see it to believe it!!!

Jana and Lena were the cutest little pirates as they handed out their "loot" during the parade. Oliver is their dad, our good German friend (Berthold and Brigitta's son-in-law) -- he put hours of elbow grease into their float which looked amazing!

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