Sunday, September 14, 2008

Labor Day in Belgium...

We had so much fun on this "local" trip...after stopping at the Eifel Zoo (about 45 minutes from our house), we spent the afternoon drinking beer with friends at the "Beer Museum." We then stayed at a great B & B and headed off on Sunday morning to continue exploring the Belgian country. After stopping at a few monasteries that serve great beer and cheese, we stayed at an awesome hotel that seemed like it was only open for us. On Monday, before heading back home, we rode a "rail bike" -- the countryside was beautiful (despite the rain...yeppo, I gave Matt a hard time about us even going, but it was definitely worth it) -- we had a great time and would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a quick/easy/inexpensive getaway!


The Rogers said...

Hey Megan, it's Franny here!!! I'm so glad I found your blog! I actually found it through looking at Kevin and Kate's I think. You guys look so great, and I'm so glad I can add you to ours so we can keep up!! We are heading to Luke next month, and then to Korea the 1st of Feb. We're going NCS, which I'm a little worried about Sydney with school (she's in Kindergarten now, can you believe it?) From what I've heard, we should be able to get her in no problem! I heard you did the NCS thing, so you may have some tips for me, which I would much appreciate. I'm leaving our e-mail and our blog site! Let's catch up!! Take care!

Van Brunt Family said...

Love that JP gets to experience all these wonderful adventures with you! Take care!

Where in the World???