Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Fasching 2010...didn't disappoint!

Yet another Fasching celebrated in Germany (Germany's version of Mardi Gras) -- and, once again, it did not disappoint! We are always amazed at the simplicity of the event -- dress up (both kids and adults) and have candy thrown to the kiddos and alcohol to the adults while watching a parade of happy drunks go by in front of you. In a matter of 20 minutes -- the kids have bags filled to the top with candy, chips and popcorn and the adults are loaded. It's truly a sight to be seen -- not to mention, EVERYBODY participating is VERY happy! (Matt was a hot "Zorro" in a costume that was probably designed for a 10-year-old :-) and JP was his favorite...a lion!)

1 comment:

Sandi and Hairball said...

Ahhhh! I love Fasching! It was always so fun! Such fun memories!!!

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