Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Where did March go?

Hard to believe that March has come and gone! This month was filled with many milestones as JP turned 3, Murphy became mobile (in his own scooting sort of way) and got his first tooth!

Given that the weather has somewhat warmed up (though we're not out of the clear yet...it's expected to snow again on Thursday -- seriously??), we went out for many family hikes (especially loving the hike up to Burg Ramstein). We also enjoyed having Oma here to gather leaves in the backyard and read many stories to JP (JP was in heaven!). We spent a lovely weekend with our Dutch relatives -- Matt's grandfather's first cousins who still live in Holland filled with hiking and yummy food. We are so thankful that we have been able to spend some time with them before going back to the states.

JP loved his birthday...we celebrated it the entire week! His Thomas the Train cake was definitely the highlight of his party -- he loved it!!! As you can see...the boys have too much fun together! We are loving watching them interact more and more. I especially love Murphy's victorious smile as he successfully reaches JP's toys. JP isn't too thrilled about his new-found mobility...but he sure loves all his news tricks! (High-fives, waving, making noises like an airplane, uh-oh...it seems like a new one crops up everyday!)

And lastly...we have run, run, and run some more!!! Matt is now averaging 55 miles a week and I am averaging 30-35 miles a week in preparation for our marathon/half-marathon next month!!! Though the weather has tested our dedication....both of us have enjoyed the training (we'll enjoy a break too!)

Enjoy the pics...the countdown has officially started for our return home in June. 86 days and counting!

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