Thursday, April 22, 2010

April Pics...and a new look!

Once again, we find ourselves almost at the end of the month! Where did April go? The weather is nice (hence JP sporting his uber-cool sunglasses), so we have been spending tons of time playing outside and going for walks!

Murphy has finally sprouted 2 teeth and is getting rather efficient at his "scoot" across the room...but is still showing no desire to pull himself up and start walking! Given our stairs in the house, I will gladly wait a few months until we have moved out of our house :-)

JP's vocabulary is growing by the hour. The things that come out of his mouth are so funny...the 3s are proving to be a great age so far!

Matt and I are off to see what we are made of in Bonn this weekend to run our long-anticipated marathon (half-marathon for me). Despite having it out for us throughout our training, it looks like the weather is going to be perfect! We have run through the snow, hail, hurricane winds, rain, volcanic ash...and now we could get sunny skies and 65 degrees -- how perfect is that!?!? We've always said that the marathon will be the "beginning of the end" -- it's crazy that it is already here! We'll be in CA before we know it :-)

And lastly...a new look for our blog for both Spring and the new chapter we are about to embark on. We can't wait to see what is in store for us in CA! Enjoy...


Exum Family said...

I LOVE the new look! It looks fantastic. I'm excited for you guys. How wonderful to be moving close to family.

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